While Good Christian Chat is all about reporting on the hot topics in technology, there is something incredible out there that connects the technology to you! FaithTech is a company that desires to bridge the gap between the two phenomena of faith and technology in our culture today. While society is built upon the world of technology, so the Church must also keep up with the ways and means of technology.
“Our vision is to become a global hub for FaithTech conversations, integrations and innovations. The way we accomplish this is three ways: empowering emerging leaders, hosting innovative events and building gospel-centered companies (LABS).”
FaithTech founder, James Kelly began to notice many tech masters struggling to understand where they would use their gifts and skills in technology to serve in their faith communities and in the global Church. While the conversation was not taking place formally anywhere, there was no denying that the two worlds were on the brink of joining and only needed a platform to do so on.
“In order for the local church to make an impact on our cities and be a catalyst for change within them, we must innovate.” James Kelly, FaithTech founder
The company founded something revolutionary called “FaithTech Labs” which is essentially a community of tech gurus that meet regularly to discuss and create projects with the sole intention of furthering the Kingdom of God. This community fosters mentoring relationships that are benefitting both the professional and spiritual identities of all in attendance.
According to the FaithTech website, the projects that are worked on in these labs are meant to help the marginalized, the local church, and the skeptic. These labs are made up of volunteers looking to connect and inspire in the urban areas of Chicago, Silicon Valley, Toronto, Vancouver, and Waterloo.
Furthermore, FaithTech has established something called Faith@Work which focuses on “building gospel-centered communities in the workplace. Sometimes, believers can feel weighed down in the day-to-day when they feel that their life’s purpose is not being fulfilled in their work. Faith@Work has created a way to meet with the community at work on a weekly basis to discuss and share about why they do what they do and how they incorporate a faith-based life within it.
The FaithTech services never end! We invite you to check out their website to see “The FaithTech Institute” which is a database of blogs, articles, and videos that serve as great resources for any individual, faith-based technology company, or church staff.