The opportunity for ministry and digital communications to merge makes way for the future church and ministry of the gospel. A ministry focused on equipping members to best utilize media in communicating the gospel is powerful and effective! Whether you use social media for self-expression, connection or evangelism, God is great enough to use anything we offer up to Him. It’s often not what we do, but how we do it. When God remains the central focus of everything we put our hands-on and minds to, He will always receive glory. In a world where social media consumes us, we cannot lose sight of the big picture that God is showing us.
The Media Connectors Conference is one of its kind that calls forth all ministry members to take part in what the Lord is doing in peoples’ hearts via online media communications. This weekend, The Warri Ministry Centre will be hosting the edifying conference from September 13-14 at Central Church 1. There will be workshops and sessions focusing on how to use digital communications in order to activate the Gospel. The Warri Ministry Centre sees media communications as a primary way to connect members and the community, keeping in line with all that God is wanting to do. Leaders and specialists dedicate their time and resources to all in order to bring the community together under one focus for activating the gospel across all ministry platforms including Kingschat, Pastor Chris Digital Library, Soul Tracker, Christ Embassy Cell Leaders Forum Online, Live TV, Loveworld News and CeFlix apps.
The Warri Ministry Centre asks all to pray for the upcoming Media Connector Conference. Each day for the past week leading up to the conference, WMC has posted prayer points on Kingschat for everyone to take part in the work that God will do through this enriching conference. Beginning Saturday, all were invited to pray for the brethren, that all will be impacted by the conference. WMC requests prayer that the knowledge gained in this conference will best equip the body of Christ in being effective operators of all media platforms, best representing God with skill and expertise. Throughout the week, there have prayers for the attendance at the conference as well as the overall impact that this Media Connectors Conference will have on the Warri Ministry Centre.
Together, we are stronger. It is important to share our skills and talents with one another, believing that all is meant and able to be used by God. As the Warri Ministry Centre grows in digital media expertise, the love of God and His Word will become ever so tangible from the local community and to the rest of the world. If you would like more information about the Media Connectors Conference, please visit the website here, or give them a follow on KingsChat!